The General Police station of the Plan, launches an invitation to tender of search on " the place of French industry in the world economy " which comprises five axes, of which one is thus made out: the French and European industrial branches the competition proof of the countries of the South Asia Is   
The Service of the industrial statistics of the CGP places free at the disposal of the researchers a whole of corporate data bases (subject to the enabling of the national Committee of the statistical secrecy).  
The return of the projects is required for May 31, 1998. Information with:
Service of the studies and search
          Fax: Email: bremy@plan.gouv.fr
Invitations to tender
World Trade Centers (bases business appropriatenesses)
Asian bank of Development (invitations to tender)
Bourses/coopération with Asia 

      Stock Exchanges of businesses - Invitations to tender - Market surveys - technological Survey (Data-processing - Networks - N.T.I - Multi-media - Telecom)
       Observatory European of Technologies of Communication
Oravep (France) of which one of the missions is the census of the teaching aids multi-media comes on Internet to allow the organizations vocational training affiliated to reach - subject to a contribution of 600 FF per annum - the list of the offers available: " formative for the trainers ". http:/www.oravep.asso.fr

" the French government which is not saoudien and does not have the resources of Bill Gate (200M$ of gifts to the US libraries), lance of the calls to project for the multi-media equipment with more limited funds: 5 MF for the formation with the téléservices in the very small companies ; 5 MF for connection to Internet of the libraries of the communes of less than 5 000 inhabitants ; 12 MF for the use of information technologies in
teaching projects and load the DATAR to follow the projects : http://www.datar.gouv.fr / 

Current events according to economic sectors' 
Businesses and investments in the area 
Fairs and shows:  French Center for Foreign Trade (CFCE)
Conferences and seminars in 1998: Asian bank of Development
Conventions & Trade Exhibitions (Asia-AsiaTrade)
International contacts of businesses (Canadian resources)
 Update: April 1998  
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